The Work

The Covid Pandemic has hugely impacted the handloom and handicraft sector in India. However, in all the gloom, they discovered the advantages of technology and understood the use of the Smartphone as a tool to access markets, to connect with other artisans, form networks amongst themselves, as well as forge links across borders with online training and workshops.

The documentary titled 'Confluence', shows how 'Traditional Patachitra Craft embraces Modern Technology'

Confluence - Traditional Patachitra Craft embraces Modern Technology The Valley of Astonishment and Bewilderment

The Process

The riot of colours that one sees on a Patachitra scroll has a context and background. In this video we explore what goes on behind the scenes, before even the story is thought out and painted. From the making of colours to the future of Patachitra, as Karishma is trained to carry forward this art form, this video covers it all.

Watch this video to find out who Mamoni, Sonali, Samir and Karishma are and how effortlessly they bridge the gap between the Old and the New, the Traditional and the Modern.

The Process Video The Valley of Astonishment and Bewilderment

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