'Once Upon at Time' at Vasant Valley School

On August 1, 2022, the Yuva Ekta Playback Theatre Group performed for the senior school students at Vasant Valley School. This performance came as an introductory session to our Theatre for Change program that we are attempting to launch in schools across Delhi NCR. More importantly however, it was a time to reconnect with young adults from schools after they have reopened. The mood in the room was ‘somber’ as recalled by one of the audience members. With our theme, ‘Once Upon a Time’, our intent was to transport students into a magical world where they could fulfill their dreams and desires. As we progressed, students spoke about past traumas and experiences they hadn’t shared with anyone. We moved from ‘somber’ to intense and serious in no time and as we ended our performance, we saw yet another hand-up from a boy who wanted to share more. We only wished we had more time that day. As an improvisational artform of spontaneous performances of audience’s stories, Playback has the potential for community building through interaction. As one shares, someone else is moved and wants to express themselves. We got a positive response towards the end as a handful of students wanted to sign-up for our theatre program. What was crucial for us however was the fact that students felt confident and comfortable, sharing their stories with us, and creating a space for their peers to do the same. For more details, write to us at office@yuvaektafoundation.org